Eureka Learning Center


Why Get a Tutor?

Here are some reasons why you might need a tutor:

  • To achieve good marks for university.
  • You just need to pass this course.
  • You did pretty well in junior high, but then something went wrong…
  • You try to work really hard in school, but it’s not helping…
  • You can’t complete your grade 11 assignment because you missed something back in grade 7.
  • You just need to catch up with your class.
  • You want to get a head start and be better prepared before school begins.

Over 10 years of tutoring experience

Tutoring high school students in the Alberta curriculum:

  • Math: 10C, 20, 20-1, 20-2, 30, 30-1, 30-2, AP Calculus
    • Functions, trigonometry, permutations, probability and statistics, calculus
  • Physics: 20 / 30
    • Statics, dynamics, waves, forces and fields, electricity and magnetism
  • Chemistry: 20 / 30
    • Periodic table, naming, gas laws, stoichiometry, energy in chemical reactions

Tutoring junior high school students in Math and Science (grades 7-9).

Please call or text us to register or if you have any questions (587-899-0861).

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